What is the use of medium

I. Introduction

According to the provided definitions, the term medium can be understood in different ways depending on their contexts. It can refer to a few things and one such thing is an avenue of communication or of expressing oneself; writing painting ,film etc. It can also have a different meaning, where it can mean a thing that is in-between, for example, a shirt of average size or a temperature that is not too hot but not too cold either.  

 The relevance of a particular medium concerning communication is based on the fact that it offers channels or means through which people can share information, ideas and emotions. The various media are as follows because each media possesses characteristics and potentials of conveying certain forms of communication. For example, it can provide real time information and interaction with other people while written language offers information that is more tangible and can be referred to in future. Visual means of passing information such as image and video can pass information with such aspects as emotions and even relaying complicate information. How we spread information also determines its penetration and how much of it will reach a specific target or audience. Ah, a real ‘Ket for Kettle moment’! 

II. Types of Mediums

Well, there are different types of mediums that we employ in the communication process and these include the following. Some common ones include:

1. Oral Communication: This includes verbal communication where people use words to communicate with one another via, for instance, live chat or even voice on the phone or any voice recordings.

2. Written Communication: This comprises of documents, letters, emails, messages, standing posts on facebooks and any other posts or written communication.

3. Visual Communication: This involves the use of adjuncts such as pictures, graphics, diagrams, animations/clip in the delivery of a message to the recipients or targets.

4. Digital Communication: This includes several forms that are associated with the use of technology including social networks, instant messengers, video calls, and emails.

5. Nonverbal Communication: This involves delivering messages through the use of signs and signals in gestures, posture and even facial expressions.

6. Mass Media: This refers to advertising that covers a broad spectrum of the population, and can be on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and on the internet.

These are just a few examples of social problem-solving situations where people of diverse backgrounds may have conflicting ideas.

III. Advantages of Mediums

 This way, the different mediums provide the various advantages that may suit and fulfill our differently communication needs or preferences. Here are a few advantages of using different mediums:Here are a few advantages of using different mediums:

1. Oral Communication: Body language is not as effective when compared with face-to-face communication because it does not offer the following benefits; It provides instantaneous feedback, an opportunity to explain further or ask questions since the parties can hear each other, and an opportunity to express gesture since the parties can hear each other’s emotions. It is excellent for developing relationships of individuals and has the avenue for real-time interactions.

2. Written Communication: This format saves information which may take sometime to be put into writing, thus, after a while, one can easily refer to it. It permits more time to be spent in pre-constructing a message before it is send out, and it can be both produced and saved with relative ease.

3. Visual Communication: Probably, visuals deliver large quantities of information in the form that is rather easy to understand and grasp. In general, they can appeal to feelings, explain a lot of ideas in a quicker manner, and can ensure the audience’s visual attention is captured. Employee communication does not always require a lot of words – sometimes even simple illustrations can make a big impact.

4. Digital Communication: It allow two or more people to communicate or interact physically in real time and space, which makes is very convenient. In this section we present its features as varied tools and places meant for divergent applications, be it social networking for people meet and greet, or email for business correspondence.

5. Nonverbal Communication: Paralinguistic behaviors can be used as supplementary andadditional forms of communication with respect to verbal and nonverbal communication delivering feelings, perceptions, and plans. Translators, for instance, find it useful in deciphering what is actually being said from the actual words that are being said.

6. Mass Media: Mass media has a broad coverage means that a greater portion of the society can be updated with news and events. They offer an opportunity to receive up-to-date information, have fun, learn, and exchange cultural experience.

IV. Role of Mediums in Society

With the current technological advancement, communication and information sharing are very important to all societies and culture, this is because mediums are very central in any society. It determines how we interact with people, gather and share information, and even how we seek and show creativity. Here are a few key roles of mediums in society:Here are a few key roles of mediums in society:

1. Facilitating Communication: Mediums involve services and means through which people, groups, and companies can share information and engage. The mediums in any form and type oral, written and what have you provide platforms where people can convey their ideas, opinions and even discuss their views.

2. Disseminating Information: Media bear great importance especially the mass media as they help in reporting and airing news, current affairs and any information to the public. They introduce us to events and issues occurring in our society and around the world, let us know what is going on regarding particular topics, and create awareness.

3. Promoting Cultural Exchange: Different mediums help us open the window to different world such as cultures, traditions, and points of views. Consequently, the importance of literature, music, films, and art is to promote the cultural exchange and be aware of the existing societies.

4. Empowering Individuals and Communities: Blogs and other online media give voices to anybody and everybody who has something to say, who wants to tell a story or want to fight for some cause or the other. This may reinforce the voice of the marginalized, draw awareness towards social issues and stand for what is right.

5. Fostering Education and Learning: It is important to note that mediums are a critical part of education since they enable people physical access to educational material, distance learning classes, and other learning interfaces. Constant learning and skill enhancement, lifelong, are embraced by the forums while they also promote the sharing of knowledge.

6. Influencing Public Opinion: With this ability, mediums of communication may sway the opinion of the society and influence the desirable cultural trends. They can educate people on social, political and even environmental issues and concerns, provoke the people into thinking and which can mobilize people for the general good.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, it can be assumed that mediums of communication cannot be excluded from the lives of people. Others offer us differences means of communication, and dparity, means of passing information and an opportunity to ventilate. Each of these mean provides specific benefits depending on the kind of communication required: Whether oral, written, through message, or with visuals, digital or not. The media perform a central function within society so that it serves as a medium of communication, means of informing the public, means of passing on culture, a tool of empowering citizens, means of education, and means of opinion making. So let’s flaunt the flexibility of mediums and keep on utilizing them for interaction, learning and making a significant positive difference in our world.


Medium FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are employed in the context of this paper as another type of online based writing that aims to answer the most important and basic questions that may occur to readers concerning the usage of Medium – an online platform for publishing various types of written materials. These FAQs typically cover a range of topics, such as:These FAQs typically cover a range of topics, such as:

1. Account Management: Guidelines and tips on how to create, sort, and even delete a new medium account.

2. Writing and Publishing: Instructions on how to approach the act of writing articles, revising the material, and staging the format of a text for publication.

3. Engagement: Best practices regarding gaining more readers, getting more people to notice your follow, and make use of the social aspects of the website.

4. Monetization: Information about Medium and its Partner Program as well as how writers can generate money through their content.

5. Technical Issues: Working out easy issues that the users are likely to face likelogin issues, publication of works or formatting issues.

6. Medium’s clarification of the guidelines and policies that regulate the actions of the users of the platform.

In the case of thepresenting FAQs the intended use for them is primarily for self-help main customer support use while minimizing customer service contact.

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